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Original TitleDialectInformantGenre FormGenre ContentIDglossedAudio
jɔxəlmiddle lozva mansi (LM)Pershä, Michail Grigorichprose (pro)Ethnographic Texts (eth)1411by Eichinger, Viktoria
Text SourceEditorCollector
Munkácsi, Bernát (1896): Vogul népköltési gyüjtemény. In: IV. kötet. Életképek. Elsö füzet. Vogul szövegek és fordításaik. Budapest: Magyar tudományos akadémia, 422. Munkácsi, Bernát; Kálmán, BélaMunkácsi, Bernát (MU)
English TranslationGerman TranslationRussian TranslationHungarian Translation
by Riese, Timothy
Munkácsi, Bernát 1896: OUDB Middle Lozva Mansi Corpus. Text ID 1411. Ed. by Eichinger, Viktória. (Accessed on 2024-06-01)
Stockfish is made like this: the fish is cut apart along its back, then is stuck up on a wooden spit from its tail.
The spit is placed on a pole, then the fish is dried by the heat of the sun or the heat of a fire.
This dried fish is called stockfish.
The stockfish are put on top of each other in a pile, then tied together with a rope.
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