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ʃɘːt kum æk assəmt kujjətnorth vagilsk mansi (NV)Pershinovna, Vasilisa Frolovnaprose (pro)Riddles (rid)1269by Wolfauer, Anna
Text SourceEditorCollector
Kannisto, Artturi - Liimola, Matti (1963): Wogulische Volksdichtung gesammelt und übersetzt von Artturi Kannisto, bearbeitet und herasgegeben von Matti Liimola.VI Band. Schicksalslieder, Klagelieder, Kinderreime, Rätsel, Verschiedenes. In: Mémoires de la Société Finno-Ougrienne, 134. Helsinki: Soumalais-Ugrilainen Seura, 185-186Liimola, Matti / Lochtjin, Ivan GavrilovKannisto & Liimola (KL)
English TranslationGerman TranslationRussian TranslationHungarian Translation
"A hundred men sleep on one pillow"
by Riese, Timothy
Kannisto & Liimola 1963: OUDB Northern Vagilsk Mansi Corpus. Text ID 1269. Ed. by Wolfauer, Anna. (Accessed on 2024-05-15)
A hundred men sleep on one pillow
A hundred men sleep on one pillow.
House beams.
My riddle, my riddle is: tfu!
A grindstone.
You can't lift your grandfather's skillet.
A threshing floor.
On the bottom of the water [n.n.]
A fish trap.
A sheep in a cow.
A sock in a boot.
A red wolf licks a black-bottomed wolf.
Fire and an iron pot.
A snot-nosed boy stands in the icon corner.
A crowbar.
One leg of a bear lies in the space under the floor.
An oven whisk.
It won't stay on a nail.
An egg.
You can't throw it over a house.
A feather.
A little woman all in patched clothing, whoever grasps her, cries.
An onion.
Two women piss into one hole.
A mare's teats.
A weeping woman goes around the village.
They're playing the accordeon.
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