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nɘs jærrəntiːm #,# nɘs loɒ̯wəntiːləmpelym mansi (PM)Jeblankov, Feodor Ljepifanovichpoetry/song (poe)Fate Songs (fas)1318glossed
Text SourceEditorCollector
Kannisto, Artturi - Liimola, Matti (1963): Wogulische Volksdichtung gesammelt und übersetzt von Artturi Kannisto, bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Matti Liimola. VI. Band. Schicksalslieder, Klagelieder, Kinderreime, Rätsel, Verschiedenes. In: Mémoires de la Société Finno-Ougrienne, 134. Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura, 81-82. Liimola, MattiKannisto & Liimola (KL)
English TranslationGerman TranslationRussian TranslationHungarian Translation
"I'm singing it to pass the time, I'm telling it to pass the time 2."
by Riese, Timothy
Kannisto & Liimola 1963: OUDB Pelym Mansi Corpus. Text ID 1318. Ed. by Eichinger, Viktória. (Accessed on 2024-05-14)
I'm singing it to pass the time, I'm telling it to pass the time 2.
I sing to pass the time, I tell a tale to pass the time.
When there's a fine day in spring
with a backpack with straps for carrying game
with a backpack with straps for carrying elk
I go out from my high forest in the headwaters rich in game on its ridges,
I go out from my high forest in the headwaters rich in elk on its ridges.
[my evening strength]
I expend my evening strength (coming) out of my high forest in the headwaters,
my morning strength
is whittled away by my high forest in the headwaters rich in game on its ridges.
When there's a fine day in the fall
I build myself a boat with a stem,
When there's a fine day in the fall
I build myself a boat with a stern.
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