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sʲaxəlponʲtənʲsʲt woːtponʲtənʲsʲt oːlɘɣtpelym mansi (PM)Jeblankov, Feodor Ljepifanovichprose (pro)War Songs - Heroic Songs (her)1268glossed
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Kannisto, Artturi - Liimola, Matti (1955): Wogulische Volksdichtung gesammelt und übersetzt von Artturi Kannisto, bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Matti Liimola. II. Band. Kriegs- und Heldensagen. In: Mémoires de la Société Finno-Ougrienne, 109. Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura, 194-199. Liimola, MattiKannisto & Liimola (KL)
English TranslationGerman TranslationRussian TranslationHungarian Translation
"They lived together with the thunder brothers-in-law, with the wind brothers-in-law"
by Riese, Timothy
Kannisto & Liimola 1955: OUDB Pelym Mansi Corpus. Text ID 1268. Ed. by Eichinger, Viktória. (Accessed on 2024-05-15)
They lived together with the thunder brothers-in-law, with the wind brothers-in-law
(A young man) lives together with his thunder brother-in-law, with his wind brother-in-law.
They lived for a short time or a long time, their young brother-in-law says to the brothers-in-law, I'm going, I'll wander for a short or a long time to some region, (then) I'll come (back).
I'm giving you an arrow.
He went.
He went for a short time or he went for a long time, he came to watery marshes, he came to dry marshes.
He wandered for a short or a long time.
Suddenly he returned.
When he came his wife was not there.
He says to his thunder brother-in-law and to his wind brother-in-law, who has stolen my wife?
His thunder brother-in-law and his wind brother-in-law say, she was stolen by the devil.
Don't go.
I won't let the likes of my princess-daughter, of my prince-daughter (go).
We'll search for just such a princess-daughter for you, we'll search for just such a prince-daughter.
He didn't listen, he left.
He went for a short time, he went for a long time, he came to the devil.
A miserable servant is watering the cattle.
Where, he says, is the entrance?
He was shown (how) to enter.
And he went in.
He looks, his wife is sitting there.
Suddenly his wife says to the devil, you used to go visiting, why don't you go now?
The devil went, he got dressed.
Then they got on (a sled) and left.
They went for a short time, they went for a long time, when he looks back, the devil is coming.
Then a silver ring is flung (at him) and bits of his bones showered onto a hundred places.
The woman was placed (on the sled) and taken (away).
His thunder brother-in-law and his wind brother-in-law then lived for a short time or a long time.
When they notice it suddenly, the arrow had flown with blood, it had dried.
Then his thunder brother-in-law, his wind brother-in-law and his rain brother-in-law went to look for him.
His wind brother-in-law made wind, it started to blow, his bits of flesh, his bits of bone were blown together.
Then his rain brother-in-law started to rain, his bits of bone, his bits of flesh got rinsed.
His thunder brother-in-law started to thunder.
Suddenly he sat up.
He is sitting.
His thunder brother-in-law started to thunder again.
He thundered for a short time or he thundered for a long time.
Suddenly he stood up: Whew,
he says, I fell asleep.
The thunder brother-in-law and the wind brother-in-law say, you really did fell asleep.
We'll find you an even better princess-daughter and prince-daughter.
He says again, I won't let the likes of my princess-daughter, of my prince-daughter (go).
He went off.
He came to the devil.
Where, he says to the servant, is the entrance?
The servant tells him, I enter through the place named so-and-so.
He went and entered.
His wife is sitting and can be heard: you, she says to the devil, used to go visiting, why don't you go now, too?
The devil jumped up and left.
They got on (the sled) at the same time and left.
They went for a short time, they went for a long time, when they look back, the devil is coming.
When the devil flings a silver ring at him, bits of his bones are strewn over a hundred places.
His wife was placed (on the sled) and taken (away).
When his thunder brother-in-law and his wind brother-in-law notice, the arrow had flown with blood, it had dried.
Let's go search (for him)!
His thunder brother-in-law, his wind brother-in-law and his rain brother-in-law went to search.
The wind brother-in-law made wind.
The wind blew for a short time or a long time, his bits of bone, his bits of flesh were blown back together.
The rain brother-in-law made rain.
It rained for a short time or it rained for a long time, his bits of bone and bits of flesh were rinsed.
Then his thunder brother-in-law started to thunder.
After a while he sat up.
He sat for a short time or he sat for a long time.
His thunder brother-in-law began to thunder again.
Then he thundered for a short time or he thundered for a long time, he stood up.
he says, I fell deep asleep.
His thunder brother-in-law says, you really did fall asleep.
His thunder brother-in-law and his wind brother-in-law say, we'll find you an even better princess-daughter and prince-daughter.
I won't let the likes of my princess-daughter (go), I won't let the likes of my prince-daughter (go).
I'll give my life, I'll give my soul.
His thunder brother-in-law and his wind brother-in-law say, you (must) know, our strength is no longer sufficient to heal (you).
He went off.
He came to the devil.
A servant is watering the cattle.
Where, he says, is the entrance?
I enter through the place named this or that.
He grabbed him and struck him dead.
Then he undressed him.
Then he dressed in his clothes.
Then he went to the devil.
He entered.
He sat about for a long or a short time, suddenly his wife says to the devil, you used to go visiting, why don't you go now?
The devil got dressed and went.
The woman sat and says to her husband, you, she says, my princess-son, my prince-son, you (can't) escape from him from below, you (can't) escape from him from above.
I'm starting to pity you.
I'll show you.
Run into the horsestall, there's a mare there.
He ran.
There's a mare, it's giving birth to a foal.
By the time he caught it it had become a three-year-old horse.
By the time he mounted it, it had become a full horse.
He mounted, the princess-land, the prince-land fell behind.
Then they go.
When they look back, the devil is coming.
When he gets kicked by his horse, his bone bits showered onto a hundred places.
They went home.
His thunder brother-in-law came, his wind brother-in-law came, his rain brother-in-law came.
They drank for a short time, or they drank for a long time.
And there they lived.
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