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lʲylʲkar toːrəm palt joxts pelym mansi (PM)Jeblankov, Feodor Ljepifanovichprose (pro)Mythological Texts (myt)1277glossed
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Kannisto, Artturi - Liimola, Matti (1951): Wogulische Volksdichtung gesammelt und übersetzt von Artturi Kannisto, bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Matti Liimola. I. Band. Texte mythischen Inhalts. In: Mémoires de la Société Finno-Ougrienne, 101. Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura, 10-12. Liimola, MattiKannisto & Liimola (KL)
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"The devil came to God"
by Riese, Timothy
Kannisto & Liimola 1951: OUDB Pelym Mansi Corpus. Text ID 1277. Ed. by Eichinger, Viktória. (Accessed on 2024-05-14)
The devil came to God
The devil came to God.
God shoved him aside.
God walks around again and thinks, I, he says, shoved him away for no good reason.
The devil comes up again to him.
He came up to God.
Dear God, he says, what you are thinking I know.
God went around, he's thinking again.
He turned to the devil.
God says, how do you know my thoughts?
(If) you truly know them, then speak.
(When) you get up by day, you think, (when) you sleep by night, you think, you want to create man, (but) there is no black earth.
God says, (if) you are really clever, (if) you are really a knower, then go (and) bring up a handful of black earth.
The devil thinks, I'll go, I'll bring up a handful of black earth.
The devil went, he brought up a handful of black earth to god.
God took it, broke it into two parts, pressed the black earth through both hands.
Then he took his paper, drew a man, drew a woman.
From one of his hands he let the black earth fall, a man arose, from the other hand he let (black earth) fall, a woman arose.
The devil sits and watches, he thinks: he made a human being, how do I make (one)?
The devil left God, he was angry at God.
He came down (and) stole black earth.
Then he presses and throws (it): a lizard arises, it scurries to the black earth made by God.
Then the devil took his paper, then he drew a woman, then he drew a man.
He presses black earth again, what God did, he does.
He broke it into two parts, he let it fall from one hand, a beetle arose, he let it fall from his other hand, a frog arose.
Then the devil was overcome by coughing, he thinks, I'll go up to God.
He went to God and thinks, with what means can I get to the two humans?
He went there to the two humans, a dog wanted to bite him.
Then the devil made cold, the dog began to freeze.
The dog asks, I'm freezing, make it warm.
The devil says, let me in close!
I'll dress you in fur.
The dog let him in close.
Then he dressed him in fur.
Then he took the two humans, spit them full with snot and then the devil fled.
God went down to measure the black earth.
God came up.
He looks at his humans, they've been spit full, they've been befouled.
God became angry.
He turned their outer skin inwards, he turned their inner skin outwards.
God says, so cough, so spit!
So spit and cough your snot for the rest of your days!
He says to the dog, live with your fur that the devil dressed you in.
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